We have gone through a lot of changes and challenges this past year. There are too many to list, and I wouldn't want to bore you anyway. But I have been reminded of 1 Samuel 12:24 which says, "But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you." And with the theme of thankfulness going on right now, it has gotten me thinking about "all the wonderful things he has done" for Luke and I. I am very thankful even though Luke and I have to spend this holiday apart (and poor Luke will probably not get any kind of Thanksgiving dinner).
God made a way for us before we moved by putting friends in Japan to receive us when we arrived. We were taken care of by everyone here by driving us around to get all of our things done. They made appointments for us and gave advice on car buying and house searching and where to go to buy certain items.
God provided us a house within walking distance of the base, the train station, and the grocery store. We moved in within just a few weeks of getting here. That was such a blessing to be in a home in such a short amount of time.
He kept Bronson healthy. We have avoided so many complications and sickness that could have happened during all of our transition and traveling. He was without any kind of sickness until just a couple weeks ago. What a blessing!
God has thoroughly provided for us financially through all the bumps in the road throughout our entire marriage, but especially during the last few months of adjustment to different financial demands. We have not been in want during this entire process, and I am so grateful for that provision. It is something I have always struggled to not worry about.
He has been our companion through the times of separation. God has been there during moments of loneliness and sadness. What an awesome thing to always have someone there to talk to.
God provided us with wonderful parents to set examples and guide us through our growing years. This has become more and more apparent to me of how important this is as Bronson gets older, and seeing the impact every one of our actions make on him. It is such a blessing to have parents who have been great examples of what a good parent looks like.
He has not given us anything we cannot handle. There are not even words to describe this. In everything, I have had resources put in front of me when I was in need (a Bible study, a friend, a book, a verse).
I am so thankful!