Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What Should You Eat During Pregnancy?

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It is important to eat a healthy diet while you are pregnant.  A healthy diet gives you what you need for all of the changes your body is going through.  Healthy food and good nutrition also helps your baby grow and develop. 

First, it is important to know that there is no magic formula for a healthy pregnancy diet.  In reality, the basic principles for a healthy diet remain the same while pregnant.  Get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.  Drink lots of liquids too.  Liquids help your blood and body fluids to circulate well, helps you digest your food, helps prevent constipation, and helps to prevent urinary tract infections as well.  Be sure you are also supplementing your healthy diet with a prenatal vitamin.  This will help you make sure you are getting everything you and baby need.  Here is a food guide to help you get started 

Dairy Products (4-8 oz cups/day):  These calcium-rich foods are important for building bones and teeth for the baby.  They are a source of small amounts of protein, and can provide healthy gut bacteria for you.  Good sources include milk, cheese, and yogurt.

 Protein Foods (2-3 servings of 6-8 oz/day):  These foods help in the building and repairing of body tissues for the baby and can help maintain a more constant blood sugar level which gives you energy throughout the day.  Good sources include beef, poultry, pork, fish, other meats, cheese, beans, eggs, luncheon meat, nuts, peanut butter, peas, soybeans, and tofu.

Fruits (2-4 servings of 1/2 cup/day):  These foods contain many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, which helps in the formation of connective tissue for the baby and boosts your immune system.  Good sources include apricots, cantaloupe, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, raw cabbage, strawberries, tangerines, and tomatoes.

Vegetables (3-5 servings of 1/2 cup/day):  These foods also contain many vitamins and minerals that you need.  Vitamin A is a major one that is important for healthy eyes and skin for both you and the baby.  Good sources include broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, chard, greens, kale, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and squash.

Grains (6-11 servings/day):  These foods contain B vitamins that are important for the nervous system, give energy, and help with digestion.  Good sources include enriched or whole grain varieties of bread, dry cereals, cooked cereals such as quinoa or oatmeal, crackers, pasta, rice, and tortillas.

Fluids (6-8 cups/day):  Fluids are important for kidney function, circulation of body fluids and blood, and help prevent constipation.  All beverages are acceptable sources of fluids except those with caffeine or alcohol.  Caffeine should be consumed in moderation, and alcohol should be avoided.

Fats (use sparingly):  Fats are needed for energy and vitamin metabolism and do a lot in the body.  They are important, especially those which contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, but should not be eaten in high amounts.  Good sources are butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nut butters, and fatty fish such as salmon.

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While a basic healthy diet is the same pregnant or not, there are a few notable nutrients that deserve special attention. 

Folate and folic acid
Folate is a B vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects in the baby, serious abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord.  The synthetic form of folate found in supplements and fortified foods is known as folic acid.  Folic acid supplementation has been shown to decrease the risk of preterm delivery.  Good sources include fortified cereals, leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and dried beans and peas.  Prenatal vitamins contain the correct amount of folic acid needed during pregnancy as well.

Both you and your baby need calcium for strong bones and teeth.  Calcium also helps the circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems to run well.  Dairy products contain the best absorbed calcium.  Nondairy sources include broccoli and kale.  Many juices and breakfast cereals are also fortified with calcium.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D also helps you and your baby develop strong teeth and bones.  Good sources include fatty fish such as salmon and fortified milk and orange juice.

Protein is vital for the growth of your baby, especially during the second and third trimesters.  Good sources are listed above, but I will review a few here as well.  Lean meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are great sources of protein.  Some other options include peanut butter, dried beans and peas, tofu, and dairy products.  

Iron-rich foods should be included somewhere in your diet and are important since your circulating blood increases while pregnant.  Iron helps oxygen get to the tissues in your body which gives you energy and boosts your immune system.  It is also vital for the growth of your baby.  Good sources include liver, lentils, soybeans, sunflower seeds, almonds, clams, oysters, prune juice, liverwurst, dried peas and beans, tuna, salmon, mackerel, shrimp, sardines, veal, beef, pork, walnuts, and enriched grains such as flour and noodles.  Your prenatal vitamins will include iron, however, your healthcare provider may recommend you take a separate iron supplement.

Fiber (at least 1 serving/day):  Foods high in fiber help with digestion and prevent constipation when lots of fluids are also consumed.  Good sources include fresh fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains, legumes (beans), and bran.

*Side note:  As encouragement to those who are sick throughout pregnancy and cannot keep as healthy of a diet as they would like.....

It may not look like you are getting what you need, but your body knows what to do.  Do what you can to take in food and make sure you are taking a prenatal vitamin.  Except in extreme cases, you should be getting what you need.  And stressing about it is not good for you or the baby either.  Do what you can to be healthy and then trust in God's control over all things.  He will take care of you and your little one.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Preterm Labor

How is the due date calculated?
Your baby needs to continue to grow inside you for the full term of your pregnancy.  Your due date is calculated based on your menstrual cycle since most people do not know the day they conceived.  The human gestational period is 38 weeks from conception to birth.  During a normal cycle, a woman has her menstrual period starting 2 weeks before her fertile period.  So, that is why pregnancy is said to last 40 weeks.

What is preterm labor?
Labor earlier than three weeks before your due date can lead to the delivery of a premature baby with some associated risks.

Report to your Healthcare provider with any of the following symptoms:
  • low, dull backache
  • 6 or more contractions per hour, or every 10 minutes or less
  • increased pelvic pressure (may include thigh cramps)
  • something feeling different, such as sensation of baby dropping
  • flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • increased vaginal discharge 
  • vaginal bleeding
What do uterine contractions feel like?
  • menstrual cramps
  • sensation of the "baby rolling up in a ball"
  • abdominal cramping (may include diarrhea)
  • increased uterine activity compared to previous patterns 
What do I do if I have some of these symptoms?
Before calling your doctor, there may be things you can do at home to stop the increased contractions.  Having a full bladder or being dehydrated can cause these premature contractions, so once these problems are resolved, they may go away on their own. 
  • Stop what you are doing and empty your bladder
  • drink 3-4 glasses of water
  • lie down on your left side for one hour while feeling for and counting contractions
  • put your hand on your abdomen and feel for tightening and hardening of your uterus
  • count how many contractions you have during the hour you are lying down
  • if your contractions do not slow down after these actions, call either your doctor's office or Labor and Delivery at your hospital immediately, and they will give you directions from there 
 If you have any of these symptoms, report them to your doctor immediately:
  • change in vaginal discharge, such as color or amount
  • leaking clear fluid
  • spotting or bleeding
  • vaginal discharge with a fish-like odor immediately after intercourse 
 If you need to go to the hospital:
If you have some of these symptoms, and your doctor believes your are in preterm labor, you may be told to go to the hospital.  Once you arrive, your doctor, midwife, or nurse may:
  • ask about your medical history, including medications and supplements you have been taking during your pregnancy
  • check your pulse, blood pressure, and temperature
  • put a monitor on your belly to check the baby's heart rate and your contractions
  • swab your cervix for fetal fibronectin, which can help predict the risk of delivering early
  • get a urine sample to check for UTI and signs of infection 
  • check your cervix to see if it is opening
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What will happen if I am in preterm labor?
If you have been determined to be in preterm labor after all of these checks, they will first try to stop the labor, unless you are very late in pregnancy and have had a low-risk pregnancy.  If they are unable to stop labor or if your water has already broken, they may do other things to slow it down and improve the risks for you and the baby.  These are some things they may do once you are determined to be in preterm labor:
  • give IV fluids
  • give medicine to relax your uterus and stop labor
  • give medicine to speed up the development of the baby's lungs 
  • give antibiotics
  • admit you to the hospital
My personal experience
I personally experienced preterm labor with my first baby.  I was around 26 or 27 weeks pregnant, and I noticed I was having a lot more Braxton-Hicks contractions than normal.  I laid down on the couch and drank some water, but felt no relief.  I laid on the couch for over an hour with contractions that were every 6-8 minutes apart, but they were not regular nor painful.  So, I hesitantly called my doctor, and he told me to go ahead and come to the hospital.  They took my vital signs and my urine and hooked me up to the monitor to find that I was in fact in labor with some strong contractions.  My urine came back from the lab as positive for a urinary tract infection, so the doctor determined that the UTI was the reason my body went into labor.  They gave me magnesium to stop my labor, which was an unpleasant experience because my blood pressure bottomed out, and they had to give me something else to raise my pressure.  Once my labor stopped, and my blood pressure was normal, I was sent home with antibiotics for my UTI.

I was so thankful that everything worked out, and that I was able to have my big (9lbs, 2oz) healthy baby boy at 39 weeks.  I pray that none of you have to experience preterm labor or delivery of a preterm baby as it can be a scary experience.  But you can use this post as a reference if you are experiencing any symptoms.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Transition Home

I have a friend guest posting on the blog today.  Heather is a beautiful friend I met in the Navy world whom I would say is an expert mommy.  Her and her husband have two biological and two adopted beauties, and I just love watching (through the internet) her family grow.  They are about to make a big move across the country with the Navy, so she has definitely got a lot on her plate right now.  She agreed to let me re-post an article she wrote on her blog about transitioning after a deployment.  There is great advice in here that I used many times in the last few years while Luke was deploying often.
This post was written 4 years ago and was a product of a season of “work ups” followed by a deployment. It was tough times in the Clement house hold, but boy did we learn a lot! I’m happy to say, but God’s grace and inspiration, the deployments and techniques we learned then strengthened our marriage! Since then we’ve enjoyed 4 years of non-deployment(which has also been awesome for our marriage!) but have just been assigned a new duty station, with a big fat deployment included. Only this time we have twice as many kids! Anyway, when Sarah asked me to guest post, deployment was on the brain and I dusted off this post and really wanted to share it—for others and for myself!!! I hope you find something helpful here to make your transitions home less turbulent! What else do you find helpful for when your sweetheart comes home? 


Ahh, the homecoming reunion...  I always well up a little looking at these, or any, homecoming pictures.  It is truely the brightest moment of a deployment...

But what might not be commonly known is that the days and weeks immediately following that moment can be one of the hardest, and darkest parts of a deployment.

And it doesn't matter how long they've been gone. Ten days, ten weeks, or ten months--there is always a transition time when they return.  And for for the Clement Crew, the transition home has always been a struggle.

This may be surprising to some readers, while others know first hand how difficult the transition from "Away" to "Home" can be.  There is such a "high" after seeing Sam for the first time in what feels like eternity that it seems like nothing could go wrong: He's home.  So it's heartbreaking when we have communication error after error when we get home(sometimes even ON the way home!) and then instead of everything going smoother and easier, it is rougher and more difficult.

So, when we looked ahead to Sam's homecoming this past July, it was with great joy but also trepidation. I looked online for information on how to make the transition smoother, and all I found were articles about why the transition is hard--and I knew that already!

But I/we were determined to have a better transition this time.  And I am happy to report: we did.  Much better than any we've had before.  Here's what we did differently:

1.  We talked at length about the reunion while he was gone.  We talked on the phone(when we could) and emailed regularly about our expectations, hopes, and fears about the reunion. We asked each other:
What are you looking forward to about being at home?
What have you enjoyed during the deployment?
What has been a highlight for you?
What has been the hardest part?
What things are you nervous or worried about when you think about being together?
What are you looking forward to about being together again?
How do you think the kids will respond to the reunion?

2. We talk about what had changed.  We asked each other:
How do you think this deployment has changed you, if at all?
Is there anything new in your life--a hobby, friend, or passion?(for example, while Sam was gone, dressing like an adult(both of us) became important to me.  As did purging out everything we didnt need or use.)
What is a normal day for you like?
How have the kids changed?

3. We talked about the Homecoming itself. We asked each other:
Who do you want there?
Who don't you want there?
Do you want a photographer?
Who gets the first hug?
Is there a specific photo you want captured?
What do you want to do the rest of that day?
Do you have concerns?(for example: I had concerns about bringing Eva to the ship to see Sam[11mo old, during nap time, in 100degree heat] .  I'm glad we talked about it, and I left her home for her own special homecoming with Daddy.)

4. We planned and scheduled.  Scheduled and planed.  I wrote out a detailed schedule for the first three days home and emailed it to Sam a few weeks before he arrived home.  This way, we both knew exactly what to expect and what we were supposed to do when.
Here is what it looked like blank:
This helped Sam learn our routine without having to ask questions that might make me feel like he isn't helping "When are the kids going to nap?" "What are we having for dinner?"  I taped each day up so they were easy to see and look ahead to.  We were able to stick to the schedule, and it was awesome.  In fact, we still use that format for the weekends.
I also made an extensive meal plan for every meal for the first week home and made sure we have all the ingredients before he came home.

5.  We bought paper plates and plastic forks.  Also paper/plastic cups.  We don't usually buy disposable dish ware, but not having to do dishes was a huge help to us during the transition.

6. We planned time to be alone with each other. We hired a sitter two out of the first three nights home, then twice more within the next ten days.  If we could've, we would have taken a mini-vacation shortly after his return--we still wish we could have!

7. We talked about things we wanted to change about our marriage and family.  This could be a whole blog in an of itself.  But basically the biggest blessing about the deployment was that it served as a kind of "reset button" for the course of our marriage.  It gave us time to reflect on the previous months before and the months to come and communicate ideas for improving the way we worked as a couple and as a family--redirecting us back towards our goal of a family centered life.  Taking the time to think and communicate about all that during the deployment has really helped us not only transition back to living together, but helps us transition into the kind of family we want to be.

So, that's what we did.  Maybe this is all basic stuff everybody knows, but we sure didn't, and I'm glad we do now--it made a big difference for us, making our reunion more smooth and much sweeter.  Of course, even two months after homecoming day, we still feel like we are adjusting and trying to balance our life together, but that's just life I suppose:)  We are just so thankful to be living it together again!

What do you do differently to prepare for a spouses return home?

Monday, August 31, 2015

Safe Medications During Pregnancy

This is the 3rd part to my series on pregnancy safety information.  Click here to see general information on pregnancy.  Click here to find out more about common discomforts of pregnancy. 

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Medications during pregnancy is a issue that is very difficult.  While there are always risks with everything you take, there are some medications that have a very high safety level.  There is always a potential for the baby to receive the medication when you take it, so it is important to avoid medications when possible.  But if you are completely miserable and need something to relieve discomforts, there are plenty of medications that are safe for your baby.  Many of these medications are commonly used during pregnancy.  Another thing to remember is as the pregnancy progresses, these medications have even less risk for the baby.  But always discuss medications with your health care provider.

Here are medications and other remedies that are considered safe to take during pregnancy.  I put them each under discomfort categories so that you can find one to take for different ailments.  I have included over-the-counter, prescription medications, and home remedies.

Common Cold:  
Sudafed (do not take if you have a history of high blood pressure and avoid Sudafed 12 hour)
Robitussin, Robitussin DM, Robitussin PE 
Tylenol Sinus
Tavist D
Dimetapp (not Dimetapp Cold and Allergy)
Cholraseptic (for a sore throat)
Saline nasal drops or spray
Warm salt/water gargle

Gas X

*Ask your healthcare provider before taking these in the first trimester.


Milk of Magnesia

Extra-strength Tylenol

Anusol Suppositories
Preparation H cream
Preparation H ointment
Tucks pads 
Kaopectate (liquid only)

Vitamin B6
Ginger root 

First Aid 
J&J First Aid Cream

Benadryl cream
Caladryl lotion or cream
Hydrocortisone cream or ointment
Aveeno oatmeal bath 

Monistat (for yeast infection)
Zithromax (for upper respiratory infections)
Macrobid (for urinary tract infection)
Gyne-lotrimin (for fungal/yeast infection) 
Thanks for stopping by!  My next post I will be sharing about my experience with pre-term labor and some guidelines for what to do if your experience it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Becoming a Mother, part 2

When you become pregnant, you expect the big belly, the battle of the stretch marks, and the glow, but you don't always realize how many other things can come with the growing of a baby.  There are so many changes to a woman's body when they conceive that it can become a little disconcerting to have so many odd symptoms pop up.  If you are a worrier, this can be an extremely anxious time for you.  However, if you know the physiological changes going on in your body, you can then understand why certain symptoms are showing up.  I believe many women struggle with the lack of control you have of your own body when you become pregnant.  But I think it helps to understand what is happening in the background.  Here I would like to summarize a few common discomforts pregnancy can bring and give a little physiology as to why this could be a symptom you experience.

Constipation can be caused by changes in the digestive tract due to hormones slowing the movement of food through the system.  The iron in prenatal vitamins can also cause constipation.  To avoid this discomfort, drink plenty of liquids and eat fruits and vegetables with a high fiber content.  It also helps to stay active and not to sit for long periods of time.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by strained bowel movements and from the extra pressure on the veins of the intestine from the uterus which is growing heavier as the pregnancy progresses.  This can make it difficult for these veins to drain.  Do not push hard during a bowel movement as this can cause even more pressure on those veins.  It also helps to try to avoid constipation in order to prevent hemorrhoids as well.  Drink lots of water!

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms that are also caused by hormonal and metabolic changes.  The cause of these symptoms are not completely understood, but tend to come with the increase of pregnancy hormones.  Before rising in the morning, eat crackers or something bland and do not get up too quickly.  It helps to sit at the side of the bed for a bit first.  Try to eat small meals every 3 hours and eat protein-rich food about an hour before going to bed at night.  Do not lay down right after eating.  Since your sense of smell is elevated, it also helps to avoid foods that trigger your nausea and eat foods cold or room temperature since aromas are stronger when hot.

Heartburn occurs when digested food from your stomach is pushed into your esophagus.  This can happen, again, because of hormonal changes in the digestive tract or because of pressure put on your stomach from your growing uterus.  Try eating smaller quantities of food, several times a day.  Avoid spicy and greasy foods, and try not to eat right before bed.  Sometimes sleeping with your head elevated by two or three pillows will help.

Fatigue occurs because your body is doing a lot of different things while pregnant, and hormone changes can leave you feeling exhausted.  My husband says, "Well, yeah, you're tired!  You're growing a person!"  It can also be caused by your sleep being interrupted by getting up during the night to use the bathroom and from feeling uncomfortable when trying to sleep.  It helps to try to get eight hours of sleep at night and to eat a balanced diet.  Take naps if you are able.

Headaches may occur because there is more blood in your body to share with the baby.  It may take some time for your body to adjust to this increase in blood volume.  Usually headaches go away after the first trimester.  If you experience headaches, take some acetaminophen and apply a warm or cold compress to your head or neck.  Try to find out what triggers the headache.  Dehydration, certain foods, stress, fatigue, excessive heat or cold, or tobacco smoke are some common triggers.

Frequent urination occurs because of hormone changes that have your kidneys working harder to filter out things in your blood stream, and because your blood volume increases, there is more fluid for your kidneys to filter into your bladder.  It also occurs because of the extra pressure on your bladder from your growing uterus.  Continue to drink plenty of water and do not resist the urge to urinate.

Stretch marks can result when your body grows faster than your skin can keep up with, and the elastic fibers just under the skin's surface break.  In pregnancy, it can happen on the abdomen, the sides, and on the breasts.  These brightly colored marks fade after pregnancy.  Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent these marks because they tend to be genetically determined, but keeping your skin moisturized and your body hydrated are good ways to keep away the itchiness that also happens with the stretching.

Varicose veins are swollen veins that bulge near the surface of the skin and appear blue or purple.  They are produced by the pressure of the uterus on the pelvic area, which makes circulation difficult during pregnancy.  Usually, they appear in the legs, but can also occur in the vulva area.  It can be painful or uncomfortable because blood is backed up in that area.  Move frequently to improve circulation and elevate your legs when possible.  Support stockings may also help you if this becomes a big problem.

Breathing can become difficult at times during pregnancy, especially towards the end.  This can happen as the baby grows larger and takes up more space in the abdomen.  There is less space for your lungs to expand.  Breathe deeply several times a day to ease discomfort.  Sleeping propped up on pillows may help at night.

Backaches can occur as the body's weight increases and its center of gravity moves forward.  The natural curves of the spine become much more pronounced.  This can occur as early as the end of the first trimester.  To help prevent strain, wear low-heeled supportive shoes.  There are also maternity girdles and other supportive clothing that can be purchased.  Make sure that any supportive clothing used is not binding.

Swelling can occur due to retention of water in the tissues of your body.  Mild swelling is related to the normal and necessary increase in body fluids in pregnancy and the difficulty of circulation of the lower extremities.  Some swelling of the ankles and legs is considered completely normal.  Swelling of the hands and face can be signs of blood pressure issues, however.  Try to elevate your legs whenever possible and avoid binding clothing and jewelry.

That is all I have for tonight!  If you have any questions or ideas for me to write about, please comment below.  Also, stay tuned for more about safe medications during pregnancy and a word from my friend about bringing home a new baby to a family of many small children.  I'm looking forward to hearing her tips and advice for that time in life!  

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Becoming a Mother, Part 1

There are so many questions around pregnancy and then there are even more questions once the baby comes.  I started thinking about this subject a few months ago when I started receiving questions from my sister, who is pregnant with her first baby.  There is so much information thrown at pregnant women these days from information given at the doctor's office to information found (or should I say stumbled upon) on the internet to unsolicited advice from seasoned mothers.  How does one sift through it all and know what is true?  

I was going through papers I came across while unpacking boxes in our new house and found some information packets given to me when I was pregnant with my second baby.  Because it was my second, and I was too busy chasing around my 2 year old and traveling around the world, I didn't actually read the information.  I had decided I would send some of it on to my sister who would appreciate good information.  But as I read it, I realized that a lot of the information was either a little off or completely wrong.  They were just information sheets the Japanese nurse had typed up to hand out to all the obstetrics patients seeing her at the Navy base clinic where I was being seen the first half of my pregnancy.  

I decided then and there that I would type up my own information based on my experience and on my research on the subject.  I typed up some basic information for the first sheet to send to my sister, and then decided that I should make up a whole packet and share it on the internet.  I am not sure if I am just adding to the problem of information overload for these women, but I want to make sure there is good information out there for those who would trust a registered nurse with two babies of her own.  This is the latest information and research I could find, and there really is ongoing research and new information coming out all the time. 

40 Weeks of Pregnancy: General Guidelines to Get Started

Normal Discomforts 
  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Urinary frequency
  • Stretch marks
  • Varicose veins
  • Strenuous breathing
  • Backaches
  • Swelling in lower extremities 
 Over-the-counter Medications to Avoid (unless approved by your doctor) 
  • Aspirin
  • Motrin/ibuprofen
  • Aleve/naproxen
  • Dayquil/phenylephrine
  • Nyquil/doxylamine
  • Pepto-Bismol/bismuth subsalicylate
Over-the-counter Medications that are Safe (unless contraindicated by your doctor):
  • Tylenol/acetaminophen  
  • Sudafed/pseudoephedrine
  • Robitussin DM/dextromethorphan and guaifenesin
  • Mylanta/aluminum and magnesium antacid 
  • Tums/calcium carbinate
*If unsure, ask your doctor for approval of medications.
  • Try to minimize caffeine consumption to 1-2 servings a day (up to 1 cup of coffee).
  • Avoid x-rays unless your doctor finds it absolutely necessary.
  • Normal weight gain during pregnancy is 25-25 lbs.
  • Regular exercise is recommended.  Do not lift more than 20-25 lbs.  Brisk walking, swimming, and stationary bicycling are recommended forms of exercise.  You may continue whatever form of exercise prior to pregnancy.
Contact Your Doctor If:
  • You have vaginal bleeding that looks like a period.
  • You have severe abdominal pain or cramping.
  • You have a fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit not lowered by Tylenol/acetaminophen.

*This is just the very first and basic information pregnant women should receive.  Please use this information as a reference.  Stay tuned for part 2 with more pregnancy information and some advice from a friend who has 4 children and lots of good experience.