Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jonathan "Bronson" Scripture

So after much anxious anticipation, our little (and by little I mean, relatively huge) package has finally arrived. Would you like to meet him?
 "Hello. My name is Jonathan Bronson, but Mom and Dad usually just call me Bronson...or maybe Jon Bron. I was born on April 29th at 9:35 a.m.  Everybody kept talking about how big I was. I only weighed 9lbs 2oz and was just 21" long, but I guess that's pretty big considering I wasn't supposed to be here for another week.
 "Mom and Dad were SO happy to see me. I was pretty glad to finally be here, weird as this place is. I was especially glad to meet Mommy; she is so beautiful...and she feeds me. She was pretty tired afterwards, but the Doctor said that she and I were really healthy
 "It was quite a trip to get here, so I was pretty tired...and hungry, and then tired again, then hungry.
 "I've been hanging out with Dad some too. He doesn't quite seem to totally know what he's doing, but he sure seems to be trying hard, and he does seem to be pretty fond of me. I think he'll be alright.
 "At least I know I'll be rolling in style. Some volunteers at the hospital made me this awesome beanie to wear. It's cool. Handmade for big deal.
I'm sure you'd like to see some more of me...who wouldn't? But Mom and Dad forgot to bring the camera cord, so the rest of the pictures will come later. Looking forward to meeting you all soon."


  1. Congratulations to the entire Scripture family!!! He is adorable!!!

    Kathy Eggleston

  2. OH MY GOD. Of course, he's a perfect little boy-nugget, isn't he? Welcome to the world, Jonathan! Your parents are rad. Prepare yourself for the awesome life you're about to have...

    Love to all ya'll :)
